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Monday, April 25, 2016   2:58 PM

Dolphin-mania at Braykas house reef

The body is tensed, the eyes are focused on the bay: Like this, we found our guests at the beach when we arrived at the filling station. Accordingly, also our views went immediately to the same direction, expecting to see something extraordinary... and indeed: We catch a glimpse to the tail fin of a dolphin, appearing just a couple of meters afar from us!

The dolphin dare to enter the shallow water, seems like he is looking for playfellows and accordingly, also the first snorkelers went into the water! The divers – already in the sea- are happy as well to be on site: one of them is telling, that the dolphin was almost that close to him, to come in touch! Obviously, the dolphin came into the bay that day, to spend his time on playing with humans. Quite often, there are one, two, three or more dolphins coming into the Brayka bay house reef. They seems to like it most, if the divers are under water on their scooters.
Startetd like this, we are looking forward to spend a great season with all of you and many encounters with this playful species!

Extra Divers Worldwide
Dive Center & Hotel Management AG

Kirchstrasse 33
Postfach 1152
9490 Vaduz

E-Mail: info@extradivers.org
